Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fluoride toxicity & fatigue

Hi ya'll, As you know, I've been trying different natural remedies to try to help my BP. It has levelled off nicely at 135/73. I'm still really struggling with my energy levels though. It's gotten pretty bad...

I read about celiac, but after thinking about it and trying certain things this week; I just don't think that's it. Sure we react to some wheat -- but not all.

Then remembered something I'd read at about fluoride poisoning. I went and read some more and found that some soy and wheat are fertilized with cheap industrial fluoride waste! That would explain why sometimes we react and others we don't. Also, in a couple of articles they say that fibromyalgia IS fluoride poisoning! I certainly fit the profile... When I originally read the information, I wanted to wait to do the treatment because I'd started so many other things for my high BP. I wanted to see how I ended up feeling after being on this regimen for a couple of months. Overall, I'm better, but as I said, the fatigue is horrible.

I started the sea salt and borax (1/8 teaspoon each) detox yesterday. I had some immediate results, I think! I had quite a bit of *intestinal discomfort* last night and was up a lot during the night... I dropped 3#! ...and it certainly wasn't because of what I ate -- neither was it related to my discomfort. The only thing I can point to is the detox. I seem to have better energy this morning and that would NOT be consistent with how I slept. I would expect to be tired.

I'll keep you posted.


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