Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tweaking things a bit...

It looks like I may do better taking my black strap molasses apart from my apple cider vinegar. My blood pressure readings were high most of the day (176/96 or so), until this evening. This afternoon I took my vinegar without the molasses, and my reading was 146/76. I really want the benefits of the molasses -- having a 2 day cycle without pain was wonderful! Not to mention the energy benefits and all those minerals.

I just re-read introduction on molasses. It appears I've been over-doing it! I started with a higher dose because I was on my cycle. Turns out normal dosing is just 1 tablespoon first thing in the morning. That should make a difference. I'll try taking my BP before I take my molasses and see if that make a difference as well.

I'm definitely feeling better today. I had the weirdest thing happen last night between 2am and 4am, though! It was like the Lord was re-working my body... like I was clay in His hands. It began with my abdomen -- it was like I was doing tummy crunches, only it was involuntary. It progressed to my entire body! I was exhausted when it was all over, but my pain level is better and I believe my posture, etc. is a lot better. I'm curious to see if my physical therapist (massage) notices anything tomorrow!

I tried the "recipe" for body wash and shampoo from today. I put about a 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar (simple filtered kind) in some warm water and dumped that over my head and left it about a minute. It is supposed to take the chemicals/medications out of your hair. Then I mixed equal parts of baking soda and borax (about 1.5 tablespoons each) in warm water and massaged that into my hair. The rest of my body I rubbed down with baking soda and water. My skin hasn't felt this nice in a long time! D, my best friend, said my hair looked very shiny and bouncy today -- extra curly! I used coconut oil as a deodorant. It has been a busy day, I've cooked a bunch and perspired, but I still smell nice. Cool!

The site said you can take simple apple cider vinegar and add some with the mother to it to make your own brew, so I filled the remainder of my Hains bottle with the simple vinegar. Looked as good as new to me! I bought a bottle of Bragg's for drinking. I just cannot palate the Hain's. Yuck! I like the Bragg's just straight though. It is yummy. That is how I can take the vinegar without the molasses mixed into it!

Another thing I've discoverd is that I can bring my blood pressure reading down on my own just by doing 10 slow inhales and exhales... counting to 10 each time. I can bring it down 10 to 20 point both top and bottom just by doing that. The vinegar is definitely helping though, now that I was able to get a reading with it apart from the molasses.

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