Saturday, November 07, 2009

5 days reporting


I've been on the anti-inflammatory diet for 5 days now, and so has my son. I spoke with one of his teachers last night at our basketball game, and she said she could see a difference in his behavior. He still gets hyper when the whole class is (that's normal), but he isn't his own "one man band" so to speak. That is encouraging!

He's still having potatoes, and so am I. They don't seem to be bothering? Right now we have eliminated wheat, milk (not any other dairy), tomatoes (and peppers.) I think the wheat and tomatoes are the biggest, but we'll know when we start adding things back in. I had intended to eliminate potatoes, and did so for a few days. My feet aren't throbbing... we'll see.

My results: My pain seems better, but that is hard to tell for sure. I can say I'm down lower than I've been since June -- I've lost 6# and have lost 2" off my waist (only thing I'm measuring.) I really don't feel like I'm sacrificing much for such a big payoff!

Today is going to be rough. We are having a cookout. We'll have to have some roasted marshmallows :)


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