Monday, November 02, 2009

Arthritis, Hyperactivity and Inflammation?


I've been so perplexed lately. God has healed our allergies, but we still seem to be having some reactions to certain foods. Confusing. Are we healed or not? Am I praying for the wrong thing or the wrong way?

Well, last night after prayer, I had an idea. I know we've been healed from the allergies, but what if these symptoms we are having have nothing to do with allergies at all? What if they had to do with inflammation -- not just in the joints or tissues, but in the central nervous system? Could these foods that we still seem to be sensitive to actually be inflammatory and that be our problem?

We did some muscle testing on me and discovered that it seems to be so. Asking the inflammatory question, I discovered I need to eliminate cooked tomato products, potatoes (nightshades), wheat and citrus. Milk is out, but cheese, yogurt and pure sour cream are ok. Lemons are ok. Bacon and oats are out. Real ham is ok.

I'm going to do some reasearch and see if there are other foods I need to watch out for.

This article is on the causes of inflammation. I've used this site before, it's the same as above, just a different article.

This is a nice list of anti-inflammatory foods. She even has it so you can download and print it out. Neat!

What I've found is that I've pretty much covered it -- we need to avoid white flour, regular oatmeal, processed foods, nightshades and uncultured dairy products like milk and ice cream.

We need to increase as able: Garlic and onion, olive oil, ginger, tuna and salmon, broccoli and its cousins, salad, cherries, blueberries, turmeric, and green tea. Phew!

I'll try to get on and post my results and my son's results as able. He's so much better than when I began posting about him about a year ago, but he's not all the way "regulated."

This is a very interesting article about ADD, which I'm not saying my son has, but it does have some good information about a "milk test" and how Omega-3 fatty acids are used by the brain.

Enough for now. I have work to do!


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