Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Allergy-friendly Wrap Recipe

This basic recipe is good for wraps of all sorts.  It comes out a bit like a pancake and is good served as a "sweet" or a "savory" dish.  It is adaptable to just about any restriction.

Allergy-friendly Wrap Recipe

1 cup wheat-free "flour" (see my recipes here)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon olive oil
3/4 to 1 cup water

Combine the dry ingredients, then add the olive oil, working it into the flour mixture completely.  Add enough water to make a fairly thin batter.  Allow it to rest about 5 minutes before cooking.

Bake the wraps on a non-stick surface, (I use my well-seasoned cast-iron griddle), in the following manner:  Place a bit of cooking fat onto the hot surface to keep the batter from sticking.  Pour about 3 tablespoons of batter onto the hot surface.  Be careful how you place the batter because it won't really move around once it is baking.  I usually pour it in a spiral into about a 7" to 8" across.  Once it has set and can be flipped, carefully flip the wrap.  Total baking time on the griddle is about 2-3 minutes.  Lay the wraps out in a single layer to cool before using.  Fill as desired.  Makes about 4 to 6 wraps.

cSharron Long and Adams Media Corp. all rights reserved.

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