Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Precious Bunny painting

I painted this yesterday. It was going to be a puzzle, but my eldest daughter objected strongly. It is Precious Bunny in a Happy Place

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

God Gas!! (Miraculous Provision)

Last week we had 2 incedences of God Gas. My kids have been hanging door flyers for our Youth Pastor's new biz of carpet cleaning. He had given me $5 for gas and that was all I had in the car. Way up in the hills above our neighborhood I realized I was flat on E and the "check guage" (Dummy light!) was on!! I called my best friend and she prayed with me. I turned the car back on and it was right back up to where it was when I put the $5 into it! We went down to another neighborhood, in order to finish the flyers and I was back on E! I prayed again and was given the same amount as before. It was enough to finish passing out all the flyers we had and just enough to get us to the gas station where I put in another $5 -- which, of course, brought us right back to the same mark :)
