Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Wow! Healings and Leading

Finally, we've at least found a job to apply for...  it isn't in the area we'd originally been searching, but we feel confident that it is the way to proceed right now.

See, my husband has been looking for regular work and there's just none to be found.  We were, also, hoping that something would materialize with our church's campground.  It doesn't appear that anything is going to happen there.  We really felt like we were supposed to be going for something ministry-wise, though.  We didn't really have any real clue as to what direction to look.

Sunday afternoon a good friend stopped by and had a Word from the Lord for us.  She confirmed that the Holy Spirit is leading us back into ministry, then invited us to some meetings she's been attending.  We went last night, but I'm getting ahead of myself!

Sunday evening, I started looking for Christian Camping positions.  Thus far I had looked at things like cabinet maker jobs overseas.  After some searching, I found a nice camp in CA that has a position that looks like it would be a good fit for us.  We have begun the application process and hope to submit all the paperwork today.  We'd appreciate your prayers on that!

Then, last evening we went to the meeting.  It was kinda funny, since our thoughts had been to go and ask for prayer for direction, but we felt like we now had it.  However, we'd made a promise to our friend and were not about to go back on our word!  Praise the Lord!  

The meeting was held in the family's home.  I was met at the door by the lady of the house, who gave me a big hug in greeting.  That's always a nice way to start something out!  We then went downstairs as everyone began to arrive.  The leader of the meeting, Capt. Milton Alvarez, (sea captain and airplane captain his site ), came in and introduced himself to us and shared a bit about what they've been doing the past couple of weeks.  They've been having meetings in Australia and India and seeing hundreds giving their lives to the Lord!  Incredible!  Anyway, he had my eldest look up 1 Samuel 3:10-11 and read it.  He then began to prophecy over our children!  He said they were powerfully anointed for ministry, and all three of them had profound callings on their lives.  

He asked each one to stand so the group could gather around them and pray for them.  He started with my son.  He asked him, "What is it you want from God?"  My son looked at me, and I suggested healing.  He then explained how he gets terrible migraines and cannot focus on his schoolwork and so many other things.  At that time, I also requested they pray for me, since I'm having similar issues.  A couple of the ladies prayed for me and the rest of the group prayed for him.  I could really feel the power of God moving!  After they were done praying for my son, they moved on and prayed for my eldest.  He asked what she wanted from God and she said, "To see the miraculous flow through me!"  Her face was just glowing!  At that the minister got quite excited and confirmed that she would see many miracles.  He talked about some of the ones he's seen in his crusades -- dead raise, blind seeing -- and that she would see more than he has.  They then prayed for our youngest.  At that point I had so much going on IN me that I can't remember all that was said, except that she has a sweet spirit, but that God is giving her a boldness to proclaim the truth.  

The reason I couldn't focus was that the Holy Spirit had me up on my feet, dancing!  He'd led me to take my shoes off like the rest of the group sometime earlier.  Previously, I didn't ever take off my shoes in public because of the concern of re-injury.  Then, when they finished praying for my kids, I went and sat down in my chair.  While they were talking, the Holy Spirit challenged me to slide down onto the floor and sit there.

Just in case you aren't aware, it's been probably six years since I've been able to dance in any fashion, and it's been much longer than that since I could sit on the floor!

The group continued to prophesy over the children for quite some time, giving them and us encouragement after encouragement and blessing after blessing.  It was really awe inspiring.  The whole meeting was dedicated to our family.  Milton said that it was a divine appointment.  No kidding!  I'm so thankful that we simply "did the honorable thing" and attended because we'd promised our friend!

They have these Bible studies on Mondays and Fridays.  They also have a bigger meeting every Saturday at a place they call "The Barn."  We are planning to get Dustie and her family to attend with us on the Saturday meeting.  God continued to do more healing work in me during the night, also.  

I could share so much more, but I've got to get our day started.

Blessings in the Name!

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