Thursday, May 28, 2009

A good day!


Today was the best day that I can remember in some time for my son, Aaron.  It is slow going with the healing process of the adrenals, but we are definitely seeing progress.  Today, for the first time in ages, my son had a "normal" day.  He was neither sick nor hyperactive.  I'm not saying it was a perfect day.  He did end up with a bit of a headache by the end of school, but I think he was just needing to eat and drink.  As soon as we ate lunch, he felt fine.  Also, with regard to the hyperactivity, instead of him not being able to control his mouth or himself, this time I only needed to remind him.  I explained the difference between what "you CAN do and what you SHOULD do."  Then, when he did something he shouldn't, a gentle reminder was all that was needed.  Two weeks ago, even two days ago, it would have done no good.

I had a good day, too.  I did crash / get sleepy in the morning, but I did not fall asleep.  It wasn't overwhelming sleepiness and eating just a few sunflower seeds took care of it.  That was all I needed.  Then, after lunch I was "lethargic" -- sleepy and slug-like, but again, it wasn't overwhelming.  I did take a nap, but only about an hour rather than the 2+ I've been taking!  I didn't feel so brain-starved after I woke up, either.  I've had good energy the rest of the day.

I'm looking forward to many more such days and even better ones!


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