Friday, March 02, 2007

My Ankle and Our new storefront!

I haven't posted for some time... We've had a lot going on personally. My mother in law passed on to be with the Lord. Everytime I close my eyes and think about her, I see her dancing with Jesus :)

Then, right after that, my foot got a whole lot worse. I felt something that was like a snapping rubber band in my ankle and I've lost all strength. The MRI they did last week doesn't show anything broken or severed, just very badly sprained. Great. I had a very badly sprained wrist and was in a brace for 8 months! I have to make an appointment to go to OHSU to see a specialist there. Apparently Dr. Niccacio thinks it is pretty bad...

Just before I had that snapping happen, I switched over our website -- I actually have a REAL store front at! I uploaded all of our products, except for the Christian and Family Games & Comics, which I will leave at I'll have to do some site re-design when I'm feeling better. I love the new website though! It has the capability of interfacing with my EBay items, so I will always be able to track my inventory & that really rocks!

I also did a huge order of gemstone beads before my foot got so bad that I can only be on the computer for a few minutes at a time. I haven't even been able to open up the box, yet, but I'm so excited about what I got! I purchased a whole lot of really fun pearls, gemstones and pendants. I really think they will enhance our store!

My foot got worse before I was able to finish making the storefront at all nice and pretty. Some of the images are huge, but everything works. Come check it out :)


PS: Details are not necessary, but I will be taking down within the next few days, also, after many years of association, I can no longer recommend with a clear conscience. Please be advised.

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