Monday, March 05, 2007

Tips for Successful Low Carb Eating

These are some of the things I’ve learned along the way:
1. Drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water daily. If you weigh 200 pounds then you should be drinking about 100 ounces of water daily.
2. Avoid the “low carb junk food!” Once, very recently, I had an “attack of the bloat monster” as a friend so aptly put it and gained 20 pounds literally overnight after eating some of this low carb “food.” I’m talking about the chips, candies, cookies, meal replacement bars, etc. Personally, I don’t have any problem with low carb bread, tortillas and flavored pork rinds, but see tip #3 for further explanation.
3. Limit low carb foods that are “starch replacements.” Low carb breads, pastas and tortillas make this way of life a lot easier, but don’t fall back into old habits of eating them daily! I find I can have each of these foods approximately once a week and still lose weight and feel great.
4. Eat lots of real, fresh food! Eat until you are satisfied and don’t go hungry. Try to buy the best quality, freshest food available. I am very fortunate that I have a friend who is an organic egg farmer. I find I feel best when I buy bacon and sausage without nitrates and other preservatives.
5. Be aware of “carb creep.” It is really easy to start eating a bit of this and a bite of that and end up going way over your critical carb limit and sparking cravings without even being aware that it has happened! I think this is one of the biggest trouble spots, next to not eating real food, for many low carbers!
6. Don’t skimp on your leafy green veggies! I find that raw salad greens are practically free food for me. The are great sources of nutrition, fiber, as well being just plain yummy! Always choose the “darkest” salad greens, like Romaine and spinach over iceberg lettuce! Iceberg is barely more than water with fiber in it as far as nutrients (and taste!) are concerned.
7. I find I feel best if I have a snack of mostly protein before bed. A piece of chicken or a couple of scrambled eggs keeps my blood sugar stable through the night and I sleep more restfully.
8. Count your carbs, but not calories! (See tips #4 and 5.)
9. Drink your water!
10. Did I say, Drink your water?!

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